Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Part of the Pack

Well it's official, Raisa has already added my blog to the Husky Bloggers Ring and made the first comment on my blog welcoming me to the ring. Congratulations Raisa, I'd give you prize but I gutted my last stuffed toy months ago and Mom and Dad refuse to buy me any more until someone makes one that is indestructible. Thanks for the warm welcome Raisa. Here is a picture of me howling in excitement (that's my brother Lares' butt in the picture).

So far so good, my first post is up. Dad even figured out how to add my picture to my profile.

I'm very excited about my new blog so I'm sure this will not be my last post of the day, so check back later. Dad is home on vacation this week so he has plenty of time to help me with my blog. You would think we could have gotten started on Monday but he said he was too busy doing stuff around the house. I'm not sure what his excuse was yesterday, seemed to me all he did was sit around and do nothing. I'll have to whip him into shape the rest of the week.

I have to go so that Dad can send an e-mail to my Mommy about my blog. She will be so proud of me. My Mom is at school teaching little kids how to read and stuff. Hopefully I haven't spelled any words wrong. Dad is afraid to use the spell check because last time he did he deleted the whole post and had to re-type everything.



H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

I can't help you get more money, but I'll say welcome to the world of Siberian husky Bloggers. We are a growing huskihood! Soon the world wide web will be all ours!!!!

Althea said...

I don't know what that comment is about. I think maybe my Dad posted it, he is always telling me and my brothers and sister that we need to start making some money and stop being a bunch of freeloaders. My siblings have taught me that best response to this is: "sorry I don't have any thumbs, so I can't work.