Sunday, February 11, 2007


I overheard my Mom telling my Dad that we might be getting some snow soon. Now I'm not talking about that pathetic little bit of snow we had awhile back, I'm talking about real snow. Like 6 inches of snow. I've been complaining about this lack of real snow for sometime. Dad told me not to worry. He's been telling me "just be patient and wait till February, that's when we usually get the real snow". Well it's February and I still haven't seen any real snow yet. Dad did remind me that on Feb. 12 last year we got real snow and had a great time at the dog park as you can see from the pics below (yeah, I've posted these before but they are the best I've got since I'm still waiting for real snow). Keep your paws crossed for me.

I had to do some pretty significant work today in order to smooth things over with my Dad after our morning trip to the dog park. You see there was this little fluffy white dog with a pink sweater at the park and I just couldn't stop myself from chasing it. Every time I caught up to it I would try to squash it. The little sissy white dog's owner didn't seem to take to kindly to this treatment of their little pansy dog. Needless to say Dad wasn't too happy with me either. Shortly after we got to the park he was yelling at me that we had to leave. I managed to evade him for awhile, which I think just made him more angry. Eventually he caught me and we had to go home. I could tell he was really mad, he said something about making him "look like a fool". I tried to apologize with a couple woos on the way home but he was not having any of it. I decided that the best course of action was to stay off his radar for awhile. I mean there was still the afternoon trip to the dog park to be concerned about. Fortunately when Dad woke up from his afternoon nap, he was in a much better mood and he took Lares and I to the park. I got to play with my husky pal, Sabrina and another of my bestest friends, Shelby.

Lastly, Dad asked me to make a quick mention of my feline brother Maxwell Silverhammer. Max went across the Rainbow Bridge on February 10, 2005. This was before I came to live with Mom & Dad. So I went about trying to find out more about him. Lares didn't know Max very well cause from what I hear Max was a bit scared of Lares and stayed away from him. I got the lowdown on Max from Spencer who was his litter mate. Spencer said that Max was the greatest brother in the world and that he misses him everyday. He told me some pretty cool stories about Max. Delilah said that Max was the bestest big brother, who taught her alot about being a cool kitty. So in honor of Max here are a couple pics of Maxwell Silverhammer.




Macie-Malechai said...

Geesh, that dog in the pink sweater sounds like a real drag! It's mom should keep the big siisy at home if it can't handle playing with other "real" dogs! And we hate to woo it, but those were some really good cat pictures, all though we'll deny it if ever asked, harooo!
Face Licks, M&M

Khady Lynn said...

Any dog wearing a pink sweater deserves to be squished! It just screams "please squish me, I'm a sissy." And besides, I have issues with small dogs too. I have a tendency not to like them too much either. They're sort of pointless don't ya think? I mean, if you want small, get a cat!

Speaking of cats, those are very nice pictures of Maxwell. It is very hard to lose a "family" member, and the memories and pics keep them close to us.


The Army of Four said...

What kind of an idiot dresses a dog in a pink sweater and takes it to the dog park? I mean, that's just ASKING for trouble!
Wow, I really like those pictures of Maxwell Silverhammer! The group shot in the lower left-paw corner is my favorite!
Play bows!