Hey it's me, your favorite Red & White Sibe, well aside from Zim, Amber, Indy, Meeshka, Turbo, Raisa and Sooky. Wow there are alot of Red & White Sibe bloggers out there. It's been awhile since my last post. Dad has been rather busy lately. You may remember from one of my previous posts that Dad got a new job. Well it turns out that he decided to stay at the place he has been working at. They offered him a new type of job that is much more his style and the best part is, he will not have to travel at all once he starts this new position in a couple months. On top of that, they are going to give him more of that green papery stuff that humans are always so concerned about. Maybe now Mom & Dad will buy me a new bed, one without any holes in it. That way I can chew new holes in it.
Well on to more important stuff. Recently a lot of you husky bloggers have been posting pictures of yourselves as puppies. Unfortunately, like most of the Ao4, I'm adopted so my parents don't have any puppy pics of me. Too bad cause I was really cute. Well Dad and I were catching up on reading every ones blogs and came across this post from Raisa. We started scrolling down to see the English version (our Portuguese is not very good) and saw this cool picture of our friend.

Dad said to me, "Hey PoPo (that's one of my many nicknames, I'll explain some other time) it looks just like you. You two could be twins". I checked it out and had to agree. Dad keep reading the post and discovered that not only do me and Raisa look alike, we have both made the mistake of
peeing on our parents beds.
So I thought we would play a little game called "Who's Who". The goal of the game is look at two pictures and decide which is me and which is Raisa. First an easy one:
You should be able to get this one:
This one is a little bit trickier:
Getting tougher now:
You've got no chance on this one:
Hope you enjoyed our little game. In picking out pictures for this game we were checking out Raisa's pictures on
Flickr and came across some great pictures of her as a puppy. Mom thinks that since we look so much alike that they should print them out and pretend that they are really pictures of me as a puppy and show all their friends.